Güncelleme Tarihi: 05 April 2018

Visitors: 5132

Why Bandirma Onyedi Eylul University?

We live in a rapidly changing and transforming world. Those who lag behind, unfortunately, are confined to remain behind in the relay race. Considering this fact, Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University is a big family with its staff and students who take giving education, making studies, providing service and finding solutions, all of which are to have international quality on as a duty.
We care very much about being a citizen of the world.
We are heading for a world order in which the importance of borders are going to be lost in the near future. Holly Mevlana has a very meaningful metaphor that summarizes the attitude we need to take against this changing and transforming world. In the metaphor, the human is likened to a compass. "In my belief, the compass’s pinned foot is fixed, yet I travel the world with the other foot! "says Mevlana. As Holy Mevlana puts forward, we follow all the developments, being aware of our own values ​​and potential.
Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University prepares its students to be capable of working both in our own country and abroad. We give importance to raising our students’ self confidence. 
The World today is a cycle of life long learning. We have to contribute to our country’s target of coming up level of contemporary civilization by updating the knowledge we get from educational establishments. Bandirma Onyedi Eylül University gives great importance to enterprising, innovative, cerative and analytical thinking. We always take human as a focal point in our studies. In the light of reason and science and also with an understanding of national and moral values, we will continue to work and produce for the sake of humanity as we did before.